The Light of Day
feature script


The Light of Day started as an idea for a mockumentary competition. It did not win. But it did snowball into becoming a finished, produced feature film, which is quite amazing.

I definitely encourage people to read the screenplay to see what the complete vision of the project was. While I love the film, the storyline did evolve throughout production and pre-production (a totally normal process). However, one of the things that I loved about this original iteration was the ending and how it pulled in everything that had come before it, closing the circle in what I feel is a very satisfying way. So yeah, here it is and I hope you enjoy it:

Also, during the development of the story, I had the amazing illustrator Robert Carey design a fake cover for the fictitious graphic novel within the film (The book that the film within the film is based on). It became such a critical part of the pitch, as it grounded people into the concept and helped them get a sense of the overall story… Also, I’m such a fan of Robert’s work and it was an amazing experience to work with him, even if it was on a make-believe graphic novel 🧛‍♂️

the quench

For any and all requests, questions, or queries, please drop me a line, and let’s chat: