eBooks & Downloadable Content

Here is a selection of a few lead generation eBooks and downloadable content that I’ve created in my various roles.

  • script feedback survey template

    Script Feedback Survey Template

    A brand new Script Feedback Survey template for writers to get the right notes from the right readers!

  • Screenwriter Email Marketing Template

    Screenwriter’s Email Template eBook

    This eBook contains 5 proven Screenwriter Email Templates to make better connections and boost their careers.

  • Screenwriter Email Calendar Template

    Screenwriter Email Calendar Template

    A brand new Screenwriter Email Calendar, filled with ideas and prompts for boosting a writer’s career through email.

  • content marketing cookbook

    The Content Manager's Productivity Cookbook

    For Collato, we were looking for a unique lead magnet to drive leads to the top of the lifecycle funnel. Once we had their information we could then nurture them to try out the product.

    I had this fun little concept for creating a Marketing eBook but done up as a Recipe cookbook. Complete with an ingredients list and step-by-step instructions for accomplishing the task at hand.

  • Phorest's Testimonial eBook

    Phorest's Testimonial eBook

    I was asked to come up with a printable asset that the sales team can leave with potential clients. I thought of this concept of having a book completely dedicated to testimonials. And then have it flow visually from each stage of their experience with Phorest.

    I’m very pleased with how this came out. And it’s even better when printed, as it fans out in an accordion layout, to connect all of the pages into a more cohesive narrative.

  • The State of Credit Card Fraud

    The State of Credit Card Fraud - Fraugster

    For Fraugster, one of my first tasks was to write a report on the state of credit card fraud in 2021. It was an incredible learning experience.

    Not just in terms of writing in a very technical manner. But also just a startling realization that there is SOOOO much fraud occurring in a variety of ways.

  • The Definitive PSD2 Merchant Checklist

    The Definitive PSD2 Merchant Checklist - Fraugster

    For the PSD2 regulation, I created a checklist for Merchants and Online Retailers to download so they can ensure that their business was fully compliant ahead of the major financial directive.

  • 30Days2Grow


    In Phorest, we were looking for a way to increase usage in some of the features of the software. Taking inspiration from GoIntoTheStory’s ZeroDraftThirty (where screenwriters write a script in 30 Days), I developed 30Days2Grow. A fully interactive 30-day challenge, giving salon owners daily tasks to boost their revenue and performance. This was a big hit, resulting in thousands of sign-ups.

  • Salon Retail Week

    Salon Retail Week

    Based on the success of 30Days2Grow, we were looking for another like-minded campaign. Since 30Days2Grow was an annual event, I thought we could benefit from dropping another smaller-scale version 6-months after the other campaign. We put the focus on Selling Retail, as this was a difficulty many salon professionals were facing and thus, the award-winning Salon Retail Week was born. In the first year we ran it, we received thousands of sign-ups while also helping salons increase their revenue in one week by 78%. Now that is a win-win!

For any and all requests, questions, or queries, please drop me a line, and let’s chat: